Rs Minigame Spotlight

Rs Minigame Spotlight

May 12 2021

Rs Minigame Spotlight

Rs minigame spotlight

Runescape’s minigame is really popular and loved by a lot of Runescape, who are always happy to spend their money on Runescape Gold. The Minigame Spotlight system makes it all the more rewarding to play your favourite minigames – and to try out new ones!

Earn thalers – the Spotlight system’s currency – by playing any of 14 minigames:

Rs Minigame Spotlight Game

Pest Control
Soul Wars
Fist of Guthix
Barbarian Assault
Fishing Trawler
Great Orb Project
Flash Powder Factory
Castle Wars
Stealing Creation
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza
Mobilising Armies
Trouble Brewing

Then, spend them on selected rewards from any of the games included in the system, as well as limited runs of selected Treasure Hunter items.

Minigame spotlight rs3 calendar

Rs Minigame Spotlight Minecraft

Every three days, a minigame will be spotlighted, yielding thalers five times faster than it would normally.

RuneScape has a wide variety of minigames, and here’s a new reason to try them all out. Read on for further details!

Early May 2017, I talked to “former” crashers of GameBoosters and current crashers of other minigames/castle wars friends chats to form an alliance. An agreement was made that if we created our boosting, three step method friends chat, and we have people occasionally going to w24 and play real cw games with them to revive w24, then they won. May 15, 2015 We're revamping our Minigames! Check out what we've got planned for next weekend. Play RuneScape Free: Also, check out our newly-transformed Ninja Team and the projects.

Rs Minigame Spotlight

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