Easy Way To Win Roulette

Easy Way To Win Roulette

May 14 2021

Easy Way To Win Roulette

Basically, you have to find easy to win online casino games. In the case of table games, there are two main factors to look out for: house edge and low/high odds. (BGO casino has a pretty solid selection of table games, by the way.) For example, – estimated at around 1.41%. The only real way to win at roulette is to play the right kind of game (a European single-zero wheel), avoid betting strategies that don’t work, and to try to enjoy yourself while you play. Drink the free booze, look at the beautiful people, and if you’re lucky, you may even win a few bucks at the roulette wheel.

I'm mathematic professor. Numbers are my life and casino roulette is my life too. :) Sorry for my english it is not my first language, but hope You will understand the method's idea.
So, many years I've played roulette and this is my hobby which give me enough money to spend more time with mathematic.
So, here I'll show easy method how to win at casino roulette. It works everywhere. Only problem that in real casino around the world I'm in black list now. :) They do not allow to win too much.
Internet casinos are best place where to get this benefit because You are a little anonimous and casino management can't send You facepicture around the casinos. :) Usually I spend 2 hour per day and get 300-400 EUR per these hours. Not so bad, isn't it? :) But real art is to stop at the time, because internet casinos also look on guys 'who win too much' and try to ban these players.
So I'll show one easier formula which will give You a garanted benefit form playing casino.
What I recommend - please read carefully my mathematic method and please start to play with demo casino with virtual money. Only when You will undertsand this method and You will be sure that it works, then You'll can start to play for real money. Only if I may ask - when You will get first 1000 EURO or USD, please remember about me and send me 10% of Your benefit. My Paypal or Moneybooker account info I'll send after Your notice. :)
So, finally here is my unlooseable method:
1. I play just on Red or Black and only what I do is to double my bets if i loose.Win
2. For example I start and put 1 EUR on red.
2.1. If I win I get 2 EUROs. So I'm winner on 1 EUR.
2.2. If I loose and there is black again, I double bet and put 2 EUR again on red. If I win I get 4 EUR (but I put 1 EUR in first Bet and 2 in second Bet. It is totally 3 EUR), so my prize again is 1 EUR.
2.3. If I loose once more, I again double (now 4 EUR) my bet and put again on red. So if I finally win, I get 8 EUR (but I invested 1 EUR in first Bet, 2 in second bet, 4 EUR in thord bet. it is totally 7 EUR).
2.4. If I loose once more, I again double my bet (now 8 EUR) and again put on red. So possible winning is 16 EUR, but my investment in this Microgame is 15 EUR
2.5. If I loose again (it is rarely), my double bet is 16 EUR now. f I win it is 32 EUR (with investment of 31 EUR).
2.6. If I loose again (it is very very very rarely), my double is 32 EUR, but possible winning 64 UER (with 63 EUR investing).
2.7. then investment could be 64 EUR, but situation whn I loose after this investment happened just 3-4 times during last 4 years.
2.8. then investment - 128 EUR, but with me when I loose this investment it happened once in my life. :)
3. So idea is - You double Your bet and put on the same colour until You'll win. You can win also on first Bet. Of course there is a risk that one colour will be 4-6 or more times, but by my experience in my life situation that my bet loose and I have to double 6-7 times happened just few times. But it is OK, by few closed hours You'll get Your money back.

Easy Way To Win Roulette - Video Results

4. When You finally win Your first Bet, You start again from 1 EUR, but now bet on black and double bet until will win Your money.
5. If there is Zero, please double Bet and put Your Bet on different colour (if You put on red before Zero, then put now on black. If You put on black and there is Zero, then double bet and put on red).
So my idea is micro-game - the end of this micro-game is Your winning on red or black, then You change Your colour and start again put double Bet until You will win. Your winning of this microgame is Your first Bet (in my example it was 1 EUR).

See Full List On Wikihow.com

Here are some links to casinos where I'm playing. Later will put some more links.

Easy Way To Win Roulette

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