Dead Or Alive Forum

Dead Or Alive Forum

May 09 2021

Dead Or Alive Forum

Forum Actions Report Post Tekken is a a lot more complex, than DOA with a higher dexterity requirement, there are some difficult commands and even basic movement takes a while to master, but It's my favorite fighter. The rules governing this area of Christian Forums clearly state that the focus of the Exposition and Bible study forum is the interpretation and explanation (exegesis) of Bible books, chapters or verses. What this entails is that scripture is provided with your explanation of the scripture for discussion and study.

I'm proud to announce that DEAD OR ALIVE 2: FINAL is complete and ready to be played!
You can download the game here from various links (zipped file should be 265MB or 272343 kb)-
(I'll be adding more links up soon)
And if you're interested, take a look at my YouTube channel to see numerous videos of this mod (and others) in varying progress-
Feel free to provide feedback in this thread, it's encouraged! If you find any bugs let me know. Questions and/or comments are welcome because I'd love to know what you guys think of all the changes!
Screenshots of the game in action-
New Title Screen
Jan Lee sporting a Dreamcast Shirt
Tina in her new Spider-Woman costume
Bass is now the Nemesis from Resident Evil 3
The Bunny from Zack's Scenario now playable and Helena in her Opera dress
Lei Fang in her Tomb Raider Outfit
Helena's new custom costume
Kasumi in a brand new bathing suit
WHAT IT IS: *CDI file of 'Dead Or Alive 2 Limited Edition', modded extensively with new content for the last time by Green Ranger to warrant its new name- 'DEAD OR ALIVE 2 FINAL'.
I've been a fan of the Dreamcast version of DOA2 (Dead Or Alive 2) ever since I first played it. I examined the game's
files eons ago and came to the conclusion that editing could be done to alter the game's content. I released two
earlier mods, one called 'DEAD OR ALIVE 2: SPECIAL EDITION' and 'DEAD OR ALIVE 2: ULTIMATE EDITION'. Those previous mods had some noticeable edits, but nothing as extensive as what you'll now find in 'DEAD OR ALIVE 2 FINAL'. With the edits from the previous two mods combined with this one, you'll find numerous costume changes, new character dialogue, new stage sequential orders for Story Mode, new Dead Or Alive music, etc. For more details on such changes, see below-
1) New Title Screen that reads- DEAD OR ALIVE 2 FINAL
2) Stage Slideshow during Title Screen sequence has been altered
Dead Or Alive Forum2) New music throughout the game- Stages, Training Mode, Mode Select Screen and Ending Credits have new music
3) Character dialogue changed extensively to give some fighters new storylines, and also dialogue changed in general
to sound less confusing when interacting with characters.
4) New/edited costumes for nearly every fighter (costumes from my previous mods were tweaked/updated for this release)
5) DOA3 character stances for Zack and Genfu
6) Bass & Tina's storyline now have a new Tina Poster on the brick wall and in Bass' room
7) Stage layouts differ for various characters in Story Mode- nice way to spice things up!
8) Bigger Dummy file in CDI image to allow for faster load times
9) In Versus & Watch Mode the Aerial Garden is automatically Night, press R-trigger to access Daytime Aerial Garden
10)I hope I'm not forgetting anything..! Read below for the costume changes-
C1- Made Kasumi Outfit Red instead of Blue (I think it looks better)
C5- New Blue Bathing Suit
C1- New Tecmo Underwear with Bra, only accessible if you press R-trigger to select C1.
C6- Added Spider and Web Designs to his pants
C1- New Spider-Woman Costume
C4- Play as Helena's Mom (Tina's *shredded* costume now edited and placed in her ending)
C5- Tina's Supermodel outfit now playable
**- Tina has a new runway outfit, modified from the *shredded* costume
C1- New 'Dhalsim' inspired costume
C2- Play as the Bunny that Zack wants to cook for Tina! (The Bunny is now Zack's height so expect hilarity & weirdness!)
C5- Removed glasses from Shawdowman costume- now you can finally see his eyes
C4- New Dreamcast Shirt costume
C4- Added glasses and band-aid to Ayane's face to give her more of a *nerdy* schoolgirl look
C1- Opera costume now playable
C5- New custom Helena skin- darker skin complexion, tattoo on chest, hair style change, different color clothes, etc.
C2- New Resident Evil Nemesis Skin, with the face of Nemesis and the Umbrella logo on his back
C3- New 'Clown Man Bass' costume
C3- New custom Bayman skin with yellow hat, green vest, blue/gray pants and facial war paint

Dead Or Alive Fortune

C4- New Tomb Raider inspired costume
C5- Total color swap of Blue costume to Yellow
C4- New Brad Wong costume
1) When playing as Helena's Mom- during Tina's cutscene with Lei Fang, Tina throws a rock in front of Lei. If using
Helena's Mom's skin, the rock is invisible in Tina's hands. Minor bug, but not game breaking.
The mod wouldn't be as successful without the assistance of a couple others who I'll name here...
Dee4doa- While modding DOA2 he came along and helped a great deal as we both managed to discover new things about the game's file formats which aided in further modding DOA2. He and I have both written tutorials on DOA2 which can be found on DCFORUMS.CO.UK
ダンディ(dandy)- He created a Texture Importer/Exporter tool which makes it easier to extract costume textures from .BIN files and inject them back in. An essential tool that makes costume modding so much easier!
I hope everyone that downloads this enjoys the mod! This is purely a non-profit fan project that was done because I love
the original game but wanted to tweak some things I felt needed improvement (such as the dialogue) as well try my hand
at Dreamcast hacking, and I'm happy to say this was successful!
* I do not own the rights to the Dead Or Alive games or franchise and this project is not intended to infringe upon the rights of their respective owners- this project is a means to encourage further interest in a fighting game title which is no longer available/distributed on the market and is on a gaming console that has long been discontinued.
Extract the CDI and the README files from the archive. CDI is selfbooting, just burn it in Discjuggler with your usual *Dreamcast* settings and ENJOY!
- Green Rangerposted 5 years ago
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If you could please clarify the wine-mother-vinegar circle of life for me.
I received a 'mother' from one of my friends (who now moved to another state). I placed it in the bottom of a large jar, filled the jar with a white wine, and let it sit in a dark warm place. After a few days what seems like a 'new' mother began growing on top of the wine. It gets thicker over time.
Is this a good thing? Is it 'actually' a new mother being created? Is this how a new 'circle of life' occurs for 'mothers'?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Location: Cornwall UK
posted 5 years ago
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Hi and welcome to the forum
Is it like a scum forming on the top of the vinegar?
posted 5 years ago
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It sounds like your vinegar is progressing perfectly.
The mother that you introduced has inoculated the wine with the proper bacteria but for the mother to work properly it needs to be at the top of the liquid so it can have access to the required oxygen. What you are now seeing is a new mother forming at the top.
Try not to disturb this too much otherwise it will also sink and then a new mother must begin again.
posted 5 years ago
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I was told to place the mother in the bottom of the jar. Dilute the wine to 50%. Place saran wrap on the top of the jar to prevent evaporation.
The new mother grows on top of the wine.
Was I told correctly?
master steward & author
Location: Left Coast Canada
posted 5 years ago
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Steve Korper wrote:I was told to place the mother in the bottom of the jar. Dilute the wine to 50%. Place saran wrap on the top of the jar to prevent evaporation.
The new mother grows on top of the wine.
Was I told correctly?

Almost correct.
But keep in mind that vinegar making has been around for millennia, lots of different methods for different cultures (human and bacterial cultures). Basically there are lots of correct ways to do it. I have opinions on what I think is correct - but if your way works and gets the results you want, than it's the correct way for you.
That said, however, plastic is a very new invention. People have been making vinegar without it for a while now. If it were my vinegar, I would replace the saran with a smooth cotton or linen cloth.
A vinegar mother is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast that work together to make yummy vinegar happen. Some bacteria and yeast do poorly with oxygen exposure, like when making sauerkraut or wine. If we let too much air get at the wine, then the wine will transform to vinegar.
Since you want vinegar, I suggest allowing more air exposure by scrapping the plastic film. Then again, you probably don't want it to be full of dust and flies, so a different, breathable cover like cotton or linen towel... see where I'm getting?
As for diluting the wine... I'm not sure why this would be necessary, but if it works, I won't knock it. Maybe it would be worth trying an experiment with one batch diluted and the other full strength.
The Mother will produce a daughter and then die away. The mother often settles at the bottom of the ferment, releasing the good invisible beasties into the liquid. These beasties form a daughter near the surface where it can get at the oxygen. This daughter can be used as the new mother for the next batch. A bit complicated at the beginning, but trust me, it works.
Have a read of Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz, your local library should have it, for a more thorough explanation of what's going on.
It might help you see what's happening if you got a kombucha mother and grew it. It's very similar to a vinegar mother, but works much faster and is.. .um ... more obvious what's mother and what's not.

'be kind, be calm, be safe'
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homegrown linen ~ crowing hen farm ~ how permies works

posted 5 years ago
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Thank you so much for your input. It makes much more sense now.
I just need to find a source to purchase a new mother to start all over again with.
posted 5 years ago
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The reason people dilute the wine by 50% with water is because the acidic acid bacteria has an upper alcohol tolerance of about 14%. Some homemade wines will exceed this number and therefore will never make vinegar without dilution.
Once you have an active culture going, the alcohol is converted to vinegar thus reducing the alcohol to 0% when the conversion is fully completed. At this point you no longer need to dilute any wine that is added as the vinegar. Just make sure that the volume of added wine is not greater than 50% of the total mixture.
As far as using saran wrap as a cover, I think this is counter productive. The culture needs oxygen for the bacteria to work and limiting this exposure to oxygen is not wise. I use a paper towel held in place by a rubber band. The paper allows the vinegar to breath and it does lead to some evaporation, but this isn't necessarily bad. The condensed vinegar is even more flavorful when the volume is reduced in this manner.
posted 5 years ago
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Is there a way to start growing my own mother from scratch?
posted 5 years ago
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Steve Korper wrote:Is there a way to start growing my own mother from scratch?

Yes, judging from your first post, you are already underway in creating a new mother.
As a point of interest, I never use a mother whenever I am making a new batch. All I do is take some finished vinegar and add that to an equal amount of wine. The bacteria is present even in the vinegar without the mother being present.posted 5 years ago
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I actually have nothing existing. We had a loved one pass away and too much time went by to salvage anything.
By what I read, and maybe you are telling me-
From scratch: Purchase a bottle of raw apple-cider vinegar with a mother (the mother is like a sediment and not like a jelly fish in this store bought variety)(mine was like a jelly fish)
mix some of this raw apple-cider vinegar 50/50 with a wine.
Can it be just the vinegar from the bottle or should I shake the bottle to mix the mother up and then use this as my 50% vinegar portion?
Location: Cache Valley, zone 4b, Irrigated, 9' rain in badlands.
posted 5 years ago
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My method to obtain a mother from scratch... Makes some wine without sterilizing the juice... Take some of the finished wine and put it in a jar that has lots of head-room, and cover it with a cloth. Check it once in a while to see if it has turned to vinegar. Any scum floating on top of the wine is new mother.
I really like using Pyrex casserole dishes. They have a lot of surface area relative to the volume they hold. They are my quickest containers...
I tend to shake-up the old vinegar when using it to seed a new bottle of wine.

World Tomato Society, ambassador
Open Source Plant Breeding Forum, founder
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posted 5 years ago
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Steve Korper wrote:I actually have nothing existing. We had a loved one pass away and too much time went by to salvage anything.
By what I read, and maybe you are telling me-
From scratch: Purchase a bottle of raw apple-cider vinegar with a mother (the mother is like a sediment and not like a jelly fish in this store bought variety)(mine was like a jelly fish)
mix some of this raw apple-cider vinegar 50/50 with a wine.
Can it be just the vinegar from the bottle or should I shake the bottle to mix the mother up and then use this as my 50% vinegar portion?

The method you described should produce a good vinegar for you. I would mix up any sediment that is in the vinegar bottle and include this with the starter.
A word of warning: if you are using a store bought wine then it will have sulfites . In this case I would expose the wine to lots of air for a few days before adding the starter. The oxygen in the air will combine with the sulfites and be dissipated as SO2 gas.

Dead Or Alive Forum 2019

Location: Port Lavaca, Texas
posted 4 years ago
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Vinegar is made pumping O2 into a mash of apples and can result in commercial vinegar in as little as 24 hours.
Wiki has a short description of adding air to the mix:
'. Fast methods add mother of vinegar (bacterial culture) to the source liquid before adding air to oxygenate and promote the fastest fermentation. In fast production processes, vinegar may be produced in 20 hours to three days.'
Covering the container with saran wrap would stop O2 from getting to the aceterbacteria which eat the alcohol and convert it to acetic acid. Using fresh apples requires yeast to convert the sugar to alcohol first. I think the mother contains both the yeast and the bacteria but am not sure. If a scoby forms on top, then it definetly does contain both. A scoby is a 'symbiotic community of bacteria and yeast' I beleive i read that the vinager mother after being bottled eventually returns to the bottom of the bottle and falls apart but all the bacteria and yeast are still there if not pasterized which kills it.

Dead Or Alive Forum

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