Criss Cross Game

Criss Cross Game

May 13 2021

Criss Cross Game

Download the rules:Here!

  1. Criss Cross Game Books
  2. Criss Cross Game Blue And Yellow
Criss cross games in teaching english

Download extra score sheets:Here!


How to play CrossCribb, the game that take cribbage to the 5th dimension. The following excerpt was written by Peter Sarrit for The Game Report in 1997. There’s only one person with whom I play cribbage. Which isn’t to say I haven’t played the game much. Criss Cross Game! 学年:小~大人 目的英語: 会話、語彙、なんでも! とても簡単で速い、会話や語彙の練習のゲームです! 1.クラスの全員は立つ。 2.質問をして 3.答えたい人は手を上げる 4.正しく答えれば、この子の横の列の全員は座る。.

Designed by: Reiner Knizia
Illustrated by: Heiko Günther

Criss Cross is extremely simple to play and teach. It is a super-accessible roll-and-write game from the prolific Dr. Knizia.

Criss Cross Game Books

A game lasts 12 rounds. Each round, the two dice are rolled and each player must write the two symbols shown in adjacent squares on their score sheet. Players will score for having groups of symbols in each column and row.

The trick is – all players have the same symbols to use, but finding the best place to put them is not easy 🙂

The Grail Games edition comes with new, advanced rules, that give players a couple more things to consider. The game is therefore great for families, and “gamers”.

Criss Cross
Players: 1-6
Ages: 8+
Length: 10mins

2 custom dice
6 mini pencils
100 score sheets
+ a rules leaflet

What people are saying about Criss Cross:

Zee Garcia of The Dice Tower reviews Criss Cross:

Criss Cross Game Blue And Yellow

The following excerpt was written by Peter Sarrit for The Game Report in 1997.
There’s only one person with whom I play cribbage. Which isn’t to say I haven’t played the game much. Far from it. In college, Dave and I could often be found in the lounge or dining hall pegging a few points. At 15 cents a point I’ve earned quite a bit of extra cash. There was no doubt the board would be dusted off during Dave’s recent two-week visit. CrossCribb arrived on my doorstep on the last day of that visit, and for the rest of the afternoon it became our new obsession.
Crosscribb puts a twist on Cribbage which seems so obvious, it’s hard to believe nobody’s thought of it before. I’ve seen solitaire versions of this approach, but never a version for more than one player.

Criss Cross Game

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