Causes Of Gambling

Causes Of Gambling

May 08 2021

Causes Of Gambling

The Causes of Gambling Addiction. The causes are various. It may start when you play in a high-risk bet. The incredible thing is that you win the bet. Because of the unexpected result, you think that you should try it again and again. It seems your adrenaline pumps anytime you make risky bets. Most individuals with a gambling addiction are young and middle-aged men. Often, gambling addiction starts with financial problems. The person struggling with money problems sees gambling as an opportunity. As a result, they think this will solve their financial problems. Another cause of this terrible condition is the search for excitement. Gambling addiction: Related Medical Conditions. To research the causes of Gambling addiction, consider researching the causes of these these diseases that may be similar, or associated with Gambling addiction. Causes of Gambling Addiction. There are many possible causes of gambling addictions and some people may gamble for different reasons to other people. Some common causes of gambling addictions include: Excitement. Gambling is exciting and the adrenaline rush can become addictive for many people.

When Shirley was in her mid-20s she and some friends road-tripped to Las Vegas on a lark. That was the first time she gambled. Around a decade later, while working as an attorney on the East Coast, she would occasionally sojourn in Atlantic City. By her late 40s, however, she was skipping work four times a week to visit newly opened casinos in Connecticut. She played blackjack almost exclusively, often risking thousands of dollars each round—then scrounging under her car seat for 35 cents to pay the toll on the way home. Ultimately, Shirley bet every dime she earned and maxed out multiple credit cards. “I wanted to gamble all the time,” she says. “I loved it—I loved that high I felt.”

In 2001 the law intervened. Shirley was convicted of stealing a great deal of money from her clients and spent two years in prison. Along the way she started attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings, seeing a therapist and remaking her life. “I realized I had become addicted,” she says. “It took me a long time to say I was an addict, but I was, just like any other.”

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Ten years ago the idea that someone could become addicted to a habit like gambling the way a person gets hooked on a drug was controversial. Back then, Shirley's counselors never told her she was an addict; she decided that for herself. Now researchers agree that in some cases gambling is a true addiction.

In the past, the psychiatric community generally regarded pathological gambling as more of a compulsion than an addiction—a behavior primarily motivated by the need to relieve anxiety rather than a craving for intense pleasure. In the 1980s, while updating the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the American Psychiatric Association (APA) officially classified pathological gambling as an impulse-control disorder—a fuzzy label for a group of somewhat related illnesses that, at the time, included kleptomania, pyromania and trichotillomania (hairpulling). In what has come to be regarded as a landmark decision, the association moved pathological gambling to the addictions chapter in the manual's latest edition, the DSM-5, published this past May. The decision, which followed 15 years of deliberation, reflects a new understanding of the biology underlying addiction and has already changed the way psychiatrists help people who cannot stop gambling.

More effective treatment is increasingly necessary because gambling is more acceptable and accessible than ever before. Four in five Americans say they have gambled at least once in their lives. With the exception of Hawaii and Utah, every state in the country offers some form of legalized gambling. And today you do not even need to leave your house to gamble—all you need is an Internet connection or a phone. Various surveys have determined that around two million people in the U.S. are addicted to gambling, and for as many as 20 million citizens the habit seriously interferes with work and social life.

Two of a Kind

The APA based its decision on numerous recent studies in psychology, neuroscience and genetics demonstrating that gambling and drug addiction are far more similar than previously realized. Research in the past two decades has dramatically improved neuroscientists' working model of how the brain changes as an addiction develops. In the middle of our cranium, a series of circuits known as the reward system links various scattered brain regions involved in memory, movement, pleasure and motivation. When we engage in an activity that keeps us alive or helps us pass on our genes, neurons in the reward system squirt out a chemical messenger called dopamine, giving us a little wave of satisfaction and encouraging us to make a habit of enjoying hearty meals and romps in the sack. When stimulated by amphetamine, cocaine or other addictive drugs, the reward system disperses up to 10 times more dopamine than usual.

Continuous use of such drugs robs them of their power to induce euphoria. Addictive substances keep the brain so awash in dopamine that it eventually adapts by producing less of the molecule and becoming less responsive to its effects. As a consequence, addicts build up a tolerance to a drug, needing larger and larger amounts to get high. In severe addiction, people also go through withdrawal—they feel physically ill, cannot sleep and shake uncontrollably—if their brain is deprived of a dopamine-stimulating substance for too long. At the same time, neural pathways connecting the reward circuit to the prefrontal cortex weaken. Resting just above and behind the eyes, the prefrontal cortex helps people tame impulses. In other words, the more an addict uses a drug, the harder it becomes to stop.

Research to date shows that pathological gamblers and drug addicts share many of the same genetic predispositions for impulsivity and reward seeking. Just as substance addicts require increasingly strong hits to get high, compulsive gamblers pursue ever riskier ventures. Likewise, both drug addicts and problem gamblers endure symptoms of withdrawal when separated from the chemical or thrill they desire. And a few studies suggest that some people are especially vulnerable to both drug addiction and compulsive gambling because their reward circuitry is inherently underactive—which may partially explain why they seek big thrills in the first place.

Even more compelling, neuroscientists have learned that drugs and gambling alter many of the same brain circuits in similar ways. These insights come from studies of blood flow and electrical activity in people's brains as they complete various tasks on computers that either mimic casino games or test their impulse control. In some experiments, virtual cards selected from different decks earn or lose a player money; other tasks challenge someone to respond quickly to certain images that flash on a screen but not to react to others.

A 2005 German study using such a card game suggests problem gamblers—like drug addicts—have lost sensitivity to their high: when winning, subjects had lower than typical electrical activity in a key region of the brain's reward system. In a 2003 study at Yale University and a 2012 study at the University of Amsterdam, pathological gamblers taking tests that measured their impulsivity had unusually low levels of electrical activity in prefrontal brain regions that help people assess risks and suppress instincts. Drug addicts also often have a listless prefrontal cortex.

Further evidence that gambling and drugs change the brain in similar ways surfaced in an unexpected group of people: those with the neurodegenerative disorder Parkinson's disease. Characterized by muscle stiffness and tremors, Parkinson's is caused by the death of dopamine-producing neurons in a section of the midbrain. Over the decades researchers noticed that a remarkably high number of Parkinson's patients—between 2 and 7 percent—are compulsive gamblers. Treatment for one disorder most likely contributes to another. To ease symptoms of Parkinson's, some patients take levodopa and other drugs that increase dopamine levels. Researchers think that in some cases the resulting chemical influx modifies the brain in a way that makes risks and rewards—say, those in a game of poker—more appealing and rash decisions more difficult to resist.

A new understanding of compulsive gambling has also helped scientists redefine addiction itself. Whereas experts used to think of addiction as dependency on a chemical, they now define it as repeatedly pursuing a rewarding experience despite serious repercussions. That experience could be the high of cocaine or heroin or the thrill of doubling one's money at the casino. “The past idea was that you need to ingest a drug that changes neurochemistry in the brain to get addicted, but we now know that just about anything we do alters the brain,” says Timothy Fong, a psychiatrist and addiction expert at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It makes sense that some highly rewarding behaviors, like gambling, can cause dramatic [physical] changes, too.”

Gaming the System

Redefining compulsive gambling as an addiction is not mere semantics: therapists have already found that pathological gamblers respond much better to medication and therapy typically used for addictions rather than strategies for taming compulsions such as trichotillomania. For reasons that remain unclear, certain antidepressants alleviate the symptoms of some impulse-control disorders; they have never worked as well for pathological gambling, however. Medications used to treat substance addictions have proved much more effective. Opioid antagonists, such as naltrexone, indirectly inhibit brain cells from producing dopamine, thereby reducing cravings.


Dozens of studies confirm that another effective treatment for addiction is cognitive-behavior therapy, which teaches people to resist unwanted thoughts and habits. Gambling addicts may, for example, learn to confront irrational beliefs, namely the notion that a string of losses or a near miss—such as two out of three cherries on a slot machine—signals an imminent win.

Unfortunately, researchers estimate that more than 80 percent of gambling addicts never seek treatment in the first place. And of those who do, up to 75 percent return to the gaming halls, making prevention all the more important. Around the U.S.—particularly in California—casinos are taking gambling addiction seriously. Marc Lefkowitz of the California Council on Problem Gambling regularly trains casino managers and employees to keep an eye out for worrisome trends, such as customers who spend increasing amounts of time and money gambling. He urges casinos to give gamblers the option to voluntarily ban themselves and to prominently display brochures about Gamblers Anonymous and other treatment options near ATM machines and pay phones. A gambling addict may be a huge source of revenue for a casino at first, but many end up owing massive debts they cannot pay.

Shirley, now 60, currently works as a peer counselor in a treatment program for gambling addicts. “I'm not against gambling,” she says. “For most people it's expensive entertainment. But for some people it's a dangerous product. I want people to understand that you really can get addicted. I'd like to see every casino out there take responsibility.”

Getting involved in occasional gambling or betting games can be quite common in our life, but it should not become a habit. Addiction can be defined as irresistible temptation in doing something in spite of the fact that the person knows that it can seriously affect his/her life and relationship. Gambling addiction or gambling disorder or compulsive gambling is the feeling of uncontrollable urge to involve in gambling regardless of the consequences. If you are getting yourself into gambling you may start chasing bets losing all your savings and many times you would borrow funds or take loans and sometimes indulge in stealing money to satisfy your addiction.

Gambling on anything would stimulate your brain and it would have the same effect on you, as alcohol or other substance. Any person who gets attached to gambling will not hesitate to indulge in fraudulent activities to get money. Gambling addiction is (without doubt) a serious condition but with suitable professional help and family support you can get out of it.


Symptoms Of Gambling Disorder

Gambling Addiction Symptoms :

The behavior and interest shown by the person of gambling disorder is totally different from that of occasional gambler. Gambling addiction will lead you to take big risks despite of the outcome. He would gain a thrill in taking part of gambling activities. He would be preoccupied with the thoughts about gambling. He would try to recollect his gambling experiences of the past.

Causes Of Gambling Addiction

In due course, the person would find gambling as reliable source to escape from daily problems of life. He would often take leave from work or find excuses from his family to gamble. This would give him the feelings of guilt and depression. Most of the compulsive gamblers would lie and conceal the results of gambling. He will not hesitate to steal money or borrow funds to gamble. This would cause feeling of remorse and guilt after gambling. Even though he wanted to give up gambling his efforts end up in failing.

Gambling as such will not cause addiction. Not all the people who gamble are compulsive gamblers. There are still plenty of people who spend years on gambling without any addiction. Frequent stress can turn a casual gambler into compulsive gambler in due course. Gambling addicted person will be attending work in his office but his concern would be focused on how to borrow money or how to win the game. Placing big bets and taking increasingly high risks becomes his daily activity. Gambling disorder will force the person to place bets irrespective of the loss since they believe the entire money can be recovered. Casual gamblers will know their limit and stop gambling once they reach the loss limit whereas compulsive gamblers cannot.

Points to Consider :

You need professional help and counseling to stop gambling if the following statement explains your quality.

  • Gambling has started affecting your relationships or workplace or finance.
  • You have started spending more of your time in gambling activities.
  • Have trouble in controlling the urge to gamble.
  • You have sincerely tried to stop gambling but all in vain.
  • You are telling lies to your family and try to conceal your gambling activities.
  • Finally you have started to indulge in fraud or stealing money for the purpose of gambling.
  • You feel depressed and guilty after gambling
  • You become restless and irritable while trying to cut down gambling.

All the above sentences indicate that gambling has become out of control in your life.

CausesOf Gambling Addiction :

Why some people are enjoying gambling and others have become addicted to it is still not known. Gambling addiction is believed to be caused due to biological, social and genetic factors.

Risk Factors :

Men rather than women are at high risk of getting into addiction to gamble. People with personality disorders, people who are alcoholic or those with substance abuse are at increased risk of developing gambling addiction. Young aged and middle aged people are the right target of gambling addiction. People with family history of gamblers are at risk and people who are basically competitive in nature and those who are restless and workaholic can develop addiction to gambling.

Diagnosis :

As per the criteria suggested by the DSM of American Psychiatric Association, an individual should have at least 4 of the above said points to be categorized as gambling addicted.

Gambling Addiction Treatment :

It is difficult to treat patients with gambling addiction since most of the people would not accept that they have a problem. Once the person acknowledges his problem gradually it can be treated. Like other diseases, gambling addiction cannot be cured with medications alone. The thought of stopping gambling should come from the heart of the affected person. Usually combined approach of psychotherapy and medications are effective.

Psychotherapy methods like CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are ideal to stop compulsive gambling. Here the psychologist would use systematic exposure technique to develop the skills to control the urge to gamble. This therapy would help in removing unhealthy and negative beliefs about gambling and replace them with positive thoughts. Mood stabilizing and antidepressant drugs are prescribed for people diagnosed with gambling addiction and depression.

Self help groups like Gambling Anonymous offer a great help in treating gambling addiction. Even with the above methods, there is a chance for you to get back to gambling, if you meet and spend time with regular gamblers. Relapse is quite common in treating gambling addiction, but you can reroute your thought by actively participating in other healthy social acts. Join yoga class and practice meditation to strengthen your mind. Do regular exercise and involve in healthy social clubs. It is challenging to find alternate ways to overcome the feelings of guilt and depression without gambling.

Total recovery is possible with family support and will power. Think about the benefits you derive by stopping gambling. You can divert your thoughts in making money in productive ways and in spending quality time with your family. Find happiness in alternative hobbies like mountain biking or hiking that can be challenging for your energy.

Possible Causes Of Gambling Addiction

Prevention :

What Are The Causes Of Gambling Addiction

You cannot prevent gambling from sheer will power. Tell someone that you need to stop gambling and get help from psychologist and support groups. Avoid gambling in any form and avoid people who go for regular gambling. Gambling addiction can become worse and ruin your relationship if you are not seeking help early.

Causes Of Gambling Disorder

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